Dale tagged me with this and I’ve been really crap and taken ages to take up the baton, as it were.
So the rules are that I have to open the book at page 123, skip five sentences then share the next three sentences with you all. With that done, I have to tag three of you to do the same on your blogs. I think I see how this works.
I’m actually reading about four books at the moment (scatterbrain mind, I’m sorry), so the one I’ve picked is Paul Theroux’s Dark Star Safari, which a kind of travelogue across Africa, done in his own inimitable style. So um, the sentences.
“Hararis claim not to be frightened of hyenas, and many qat-chewers sat out a night, stuffing their mouths, diverted by the sight of hyenas coming and going and in their foraging similarly chewing.
One day talking to Abdul Hakim Mohammed, who was a prince (his daughters were gisti, princesses, and he was a direct descendant of the Emir of Harar), he mentioned the hyenas and the hyena men. ‘We had saints – walia, holy men.'”
I pick Clair, Tamzen and Cliff
Too late Rob – did it last week.
Cheers anyway.