Why do people not consider books important any more?

Research by the Literary Trust has formed the basis of a new investigation by the Evening Standard to avert the problem of illteracy in both adults and children in London.

There have been some shocking statistics published:
– 1 million people in London cannot read.
– 1 in 4 children who leaves primary school is way below the recommended reading age.
– 1 in 3 children grows up without a book of their own.

Add this to the current campaign to save many of our country’s libraries from closure, as councils feel the pinch of the Coalition’s spending cuts, and it’s clear there’s a real crisis when it comes to the humble book.

As someone who reads on average a book a week, I find it difficult to comprehend why people don’t want to sit down and read a book, or more importantly want to teach their kids how to read.

Quite aside from the relaxation aspect of being able to sit down and read, books allow people to develop their imaginations.

It’s no surprise that the Standard campaign notes that the proportion of electronic gadgets in bookless households is v high.

When it comes to kids, these gadgets represent a perfect way for parents to ‘entertain’ them without putting in the effort. You see, for kids to learn to read requires some sort of parental input.

Sure, schools are important but they don’t have the resource to carry out intensive one-to-one tutelage any more. Parents need to pick up the slack at home. I know that’s what my mum did.

As for adults not reading, I confess that baffles me more. Much of it is habit and if you don’t start young (see a pattern emerging here) you are less likely to continue as you get older.

Obviously there are more distractions now than, say, 20 years ago, but that’s a poor excuse, if you ask me. It’s all about encouragement, opportunity and education.

You see, once you start reading, it’s a hard habit to break.

My World Book Night experience

World Book Night giveaway‘Excuse me, tonight is World Book Night, when 1 million books are being given away for free around the country…’ 

So began my spiel for giving away my copies of Nigel Slater’s wonderful autobiography Toast, as part of the inaugural World Book Night.  

You would have thought that giving away free copies of a book would be really easy, wouldn’t you? Well, it wasn’t quite as simple as I’d expected.

I went to my nearby Tesco Express/petrol station. Not the most natural of places, but that’s the point. I wanted to give the books away to complete strangers and try and engage with people who wouldn’t necessarily walk into their local Waterstones.   

The reactions I got were very mixed. For some people, the act of being handed a free book resulted in a beatific smile, which naturally made me feel happy.   

Others completely (and studiously) ignored me, while some looked as if I was holding a stick of dynamite when I proffered one of the copies.   

I dispensed 30 copies this afternoon (the remainder have another destination) and it took at least 45 minutes to give them away, which I thought was a long time. You may think differently.  

My 7yo daughter found it hilarious and mildly impressive that I was walking up to complete strangers and talking to them – actually I think her presence made me look less of a weirdo than if I’d been in my own. 

So what were my overall impressions? 
1) Unfortunately people are naturally suspicious of anyone offering to give them something for free. 
2) The DE socio-economic class are far more likely to ignore you and look at a book with distaste. 
3) On the bright side, I got a lot of smiles once I explained what I was doing (and that I wasn’t selling anything)
4) It was great fun and I really think that I’ll have spread the ‘reading’ love to lots of people. 

Congratulations to Canongate’s Jamie Byng and all the other publishers who set this up, all the other 19,999 book givers and everyone who took one of the free books and whose world may be changed in some small way, after reading it.

To find out more about World Book Night, visit their website www.worldbooknight.org

Building built from thousands of books – WOW!

Coming just a few days after comedian Stewart Lee described how he ditched all his shelves of books, this is surely something to make him reconsider, although you might have a job living as a family inside.

Matej Kren has created a gigantic tunnel of books and, if you happen to be in Bologna, you can go and see it at the city’s Museum of Modern Art (MAMbo).

building made of books.

I mean, I think lots of books are pretty awe-inspiring, but this takes them somewhere completely new.

You can see all the images at Inhabitat

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