The state of modern cinema

The Dark Knight cinema ticketsWe went to see the new Batman movie last night and caught the late showing, starting at 9pm.

Now first of all, a confession. As we have limited babysitting options, C and I haven’t been to the cinema together since before A was born.

However, I’ve been spoilt for many years because I get invites to see advance screenings of films before they go on general release.

I don’t go to as many as I used to, but for the last 10 years or so, the majority of my cinema viewing has been done either in the West End or in little Soho screening cinemas alongside other film journalists.

Consequently, I’m a bit out of practice with a general cinema-going audience and, boy, was I disturbed last night?

People arrived literally as the film was about to start, causing maximum interruption and disturbance who consider the ads and trailers as part of the cinema experience (in other words, me!).

There were all sorts of smelly and noisy snacks being consumed while the film was going – I pity the people who had to sit next to those eating nachos.

It never fails to amaze me that some people don’t turn off their mobile phone and then answer a call during a film. What part of anti-social behaviour don’t you understand?

Even if you’re only saying, ‘Sorry, I’m in the cinema’ that’s 5 words too many. Why bother answering it in the first place? What good does it do?

And film? Good, but too long and spoilt by there being no air conditioning and it being unbearably hot.

2 thoughts on “The state of modern cinema”

  1. Hello Rob,

    I realize this post is more than ten years old now, but by any chance do you still have those “Dark Knight” tickets?

    I used to have one as a keepsake and it got lost.

    I would like to purchase one of yours with a PayPal payment if you do. Would you be willing to consider this, presuming you still have those tickets?

    If you are, I would propose that we first agree on a price plus shipping via email. Then I would send the money to you via PayPal. And then you would mail me one of the tickets to the address I would provide.

    I would also be willing to adjust the amount to cover the flat $0.30 PayPal seller fee and 2.9% percent of the purchase price PayPal takes off the top so you would get the full amount you want.

    Also, using PayPal let’s me know that once I send the purchase price to you, I also would have some buyer protection.

    Even though it is not published, I noticed I had to put my email address down in the form to post this comment, so I’m assuming that you as the administrator of the site have access to it.

    That’s the quickest way to reach me if you’re willing to consider my offer.


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