Who really wants to track their drink?

We all like a drink, don't we? Well, unless you're of a religious nature who shuns booze, or one of the people who've enjoyed it so much in the past that they now can't enjoy it any more. 

But by and large, alcohol in the UK is an acceptable part of our everyday social lives. And, as we all know, we drink too much in the UK, apparently. Reports in the media constantly try to convince us that boozing is getting way out of control and that we're all drinking ourselves into an early grave. 

So with grim inevitability, the Internet wants to lend us a hand to work out – yes, there are now a number of apps or sites who are dedicated to drink tracking – making sure we keep a tally of our boozy habits.

But who seriously wants to write down that they drank a bottle of sauvignon blanc and two shots of vodka on Friday, followed by a couple of pints and the rest of that ropey old bottle of port on Saturday night – week after week. 

I know it's all about 'helping you drink responsibly', but will noting it all down (providing you can remember) make any difference?

I tried out the NHS iPhone app in the run-up to Christmas and found it a dismal experience. OK, it functioned fine, but it didn't exactly do anything for me. Some days my drink was well over the 'acceptable' limit, but most of the time it wasn't – making me realise how little I drink!

The NHS isn't the only one out there, though. There's Drinklogger which is aimed squarely at mobile users and still in the Beta phase. 

Then there's Drinktracker, which you actually have to pay $1.99 for – not a great incentive, I must admit and, while it looks nice and functions OK, doesn't really make me feel any more responsible or, in fact, wayward. 

Interesting market but, as yet, the need to track your tequila doesn't really do it for me.  

Posted via email from Rob’s stream of web

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