Hey man, 143!

KlaxonsI’m officially old. I know 35 isn’t exactly prehistoric, but a couple of things recently have confirmed this for me.

Firstly, I was mildly horrified to realise I’ve never heard any of the music from this year’s Mercury Music Prize winners The Klaxons. Of course, if it had been Amy Winehouse, Maps or Arctic Monkeys I’d have been OK.

The second shock was that there’s some cool new slang going around wiv the kids, namely 143. I didn’t know what it meant either, you see. It’s short for ‘I love you’ and kids are now texting other friends, to let them know how they feel.

What I want to know is why no-one’s invented a virtual rose to send, rather than three digits. After all, nothing says it like a bunch of flowers, real or not!

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