The Kill Point

The Kill PointI’ve now watched the first two episodes of new US drama The Kill Point that’s showing on Bravo TV.

It’s like a cross between Dog Day Afternoon and 24 – a bank job gone wrong and the ensuing fallout, told in ‘real time’.

It stars, among others, Donnie Wahlberg and John Leguiziamo (pictured above) and is amazingly compelling.

I find it amazing, as I have previously expounded on this blog, that a quality series such as this can be shown on a minority channel such as Bravo.

Yes, it’s American and, as such, has more dollars behind it, but it’s streets ahead of much of what this country produces.

And yet, and yet, it only gets shown on a non-terrestrial channel and reaches a minimal audience. Astounding!

Anyway, if you get the chance to check it out, Wednesdays, 10pm on Bravo. You won’t be disappointed!

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