Someone do something

Britney SpearsLet’s face it, Britney Spears in on the road to somewhere pretty awful unless someone helps the girl.

In the past year, she’s got divorced (for the second time), checked in and out of rehab umpteen times, lost access rights to her kids, shaved her head in public and made a pretty pitiful attempt at relaunching her career.

The latest news that she threatened to kill her kids and herself is the proverbial icing.

The thing that interests me is that no-one seems to want to help her, not her mum, her friends or even other celebs.

At a time when she is most in need, she seems to be trying to cope alone – a place surely no-one wants to be.

Contrast Britney’s situation with that of Amy Winehouse. OK, so Amy hasn’t got quite as many problems, but she’s gone through a publicly tough time recently and people are queueing up to help her.

She was pictured relaxing at Bryan Adams’ pad recently, while there have been other pop stars willing to at least lend a little help and wisdom (although I’m not sure if Pete Doherty would have been top of my list).

Even Sadie Frost has extended her hand of friendship – hmm, not sure if that’s not another poisoned chalice.

What can we learn from this? Is Amy more talented? Is Britney beyond help? Or is she just unlucky? Let’s just hope that those who are in a position to help Britney, and aren’t doing so, don’t regret it when she emerges from the car crash.

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